Wednesday, August 4, 2010

For Dan ...

A star of friendship
That glittered just out
Of my periphery
But not for long
Boldly you strode
Into my line of fire
And you gave just as
Good as you got
Matching me word for word
Joke for joke
Put down for put down

A wicked little sprite
With shining eyes
And a bag of naughty pixie dust
That’s what you are
You slipped in thru my laughter
And left tiny, muddy footprints
On my heart…

And now … just when
I’ve grown accustomed to your presence
You’re going to disappear from me
Taking your laughter with you
Leaving me bereft
Of your antics
And longing for sparkling
Pixie dust and white toothed smiles
Often imagined but not seen

I will miss you
My muffin man
I will miss you
My mischievous Prince
Though it lasted
But a Cosmic hour
I will forever cherish
The budding of our
Friendship flower
And anticipate the day
When we truly meet
Face to face
And heart to heart

Be well, be happy
Be free, be loved

Farewell …


Brendan said...


Words cannot express my profound gratitude for this tribute that you have found fit to bestow upon me and I feel very much honoured!
I have never, ever been given a gift such as this and it warms my heart!

Your friendship is very important to me and I would like to take this opportunity to THANK YOU for your friendship and all that you have done and I know that this friendship will transcend ANY boundaries or borders and reach me wherever I may be and you, wherever you may be!

You have undoubtedly proven to be one of my dearest friends and this I would never forget! Thank you so much!

The Blog of Bee said...

Where oh where is he going???? And how come we never met him???

Good luck Brendn whatever youy are doing and wherever you're going.

Can you comtinue to blog because I have noticed that you have written nothing since March!!!

The Blog of Bee said...

Dee Mae - who'se your Chinee frien' who keeps turning up on my friend's pages??

You all took 'lessens' and forget to tell meh???

Trinitee Sees said...

@ Bee - i have no earthly idea who this person is but the chinese is starting to annoy. I can't tell what they are saying so a comment is USELESS...

Trinitee Sees said...


You need to help me keep my sense of humor about this!!! Yuh see what I mean???!