You take offence everytime someone approaches you in a manner that you are not used to…
Your friend list isn’t growing because you believe that every member of the opposite sex is trying to get with you …
Your friend list isn’t growing because you believe that every member of the SAME SEX is trying to get with you …
You’re offended by everyone who talks to you
You’re offended that NO ONE talks to you
You have members of your own family on your block list (That last joke was just so very wrong, Cousin Ed!!!)…
You get incensed when people copy your carefully crafted, original quotations and use them as their own ,,, nevermind they quote your name as well …
You are ticked because other users copy those adorable doggie and kittie piccies that you posted. HOW DARE THEY??!
You have abso-frickin’-lutely no concept of PUBLIC DOMAIN
You believe every instruction broadcasted on BBM, and you’re not only pissed at the sender for not cross referencing and double checking the results, but you’re pissed at yourself for yet again hitting ‘SEND’ …
You’re mad at people for not respecting your time and rest --- nevermind that you’re up at 3AM changing your profile pic and status…
You don’t get that SOCIAL means INTERACTIVE, not SOCIAL as in the sense of ‘SOCIAL DORA’ (Trini reference), or for the rest of the planet, ANTI-SOCIAL. It ain’t a reference to your auntie; it’s a comment on your friggin’, unfriendly mindset and disposition …
You don’t get that stumbledupon means that you WILL BE FOUND. Yep … there it is again … PUBLIC DOMAIN…
You believe the government is monitoring your every move via your facebook account since you posted the other day that you really do love the opposition party…
You don’t get that ICQ means ‘I SEEK YOU’, so that people will ACTUALLY SEEK YOU OUT --- the morons!!!
This is just the tip of the Social Networking mountain. Lemme know what your thoughts are … don’t be shy – not that any of you REALLY are …
Well lookee here who just turned up after long silence here on Blogger!!! What happened?? One of these things happened to you?? Seriously I had a good laugh.......
I have the occasional run in - yes I do - on Multiply with a character who although not on my contacts list, feels he can abuse/attack me. Yet he hovers on my page and if he does leave a comment it's always polite. When he meets me on other peoples' pages he's an arrogant moron!
LMAO ... well it sounds very much like he's got 'Dutch courage' when he's on another person's page. he doesn't have the balls required to come at you hard on your own page.... poor baby :)
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