I wonder if it’s just me … but at the beginning of each Season of Lent, ever since I was a child, my imagination always connected Lenten-tide (is that a word??) with Lentils.
Maybe it was that peas and beans featured heavily and still do on my family’s menu during this period, and my favorite is still lentils … maybe it was jut the play on words. I don’t know, but there’s something.
The funny this is that on Friday last, I went home to find a pot of sweet smelling stewed lentils on the stove. There were other things too but that was the first thing that all of my senses recognized and craved.
I sat in my now Happy Place with my bowl of lentils before me … smile on face and spoon in hand, and savored that first taste. Life was good – in fact life was wonderful!
As I ate, I thought of how nutritious these little power packed legumes are. Lentils are recognized as being a protein-packed meat substitute; in fact one web-page declared that “Lentils are to India what meatloaf is to America” (http://www.eating.health.com/2008/02/01/worlds-healthiest-foods-lentils-india ).
Amazing isn’t it?
Here’s something else that’s amazing. Lent is a season that constantly calls us back to the goodness of our Lord and Saviour. We are invited to “Taste and See that the Lord is Good” (Ps 34:8); to note “What marvels the Lord as done for us …” (Ps 105:5); and we are then invited to the biggest and most important of feasts – The Last Supper (Matt. 26:1-29)
This would make the wonderful Word of God our Spiritual Lentils as it were. We should see each and every pearl of wisdom as our Spiritual Food, but there are times when we forget – and that’s us – human…
We need to continue to nourish our souls with the Word of God. Shoot, it’s the best diet – right??? Well … Spiritually anyway. We really do need those lentils in the real world.
I was having lunch yesterday (Sunday) when it came to me that I am to liquid fast on Wednesdays for Lent, from six to six, and to endeavor to pray every hour on the hour. I will do my best to complete this task and I ask for your prayers and support (big girls don’t fast well ).
Have you decided what your additional Spiritual activity is going to be this Lent? Maybe you’re going to give something up or add something special in … it’s up to you.
Whatever you do, be blessed in and with it, and don’t forget your “Lenten Lentils”.